15 thoughts
  1. Martinov Asc says:


    Greetings from México.

  2. lilbigbrow says:

    YAWN!!!!! Roman is not just a business man but hes a fan so dont come here with bullshit story you made up hahahahahahahaha. Come back when you win the Champions League and become the best team in North London hahaha. HIGH FIVE!!!!

  3. withapacketofsweets says:

    enjoy your two mins of glory….cos roman aint gonna stick around for long now…….rumours already that he is looking to offload chelsea when the right offer comes in…….music to my ears….youll be remembered only for being the worst team to ever win the CL………hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha ha

  4. lilbigbrow says:

    Enjoy EL High FIVE

  5. Communist2012 says:

    Bosingwa is awesome ¬! stop hating -_-

  6. Mattis659 says:

    good job chelsea! from the arsenal side of london.

  7. SuperJacdan says:

    bang out of order to copy other peoples videos especially after the time it takes to upload them in the first place. NOT ON!!

  8. hhalez says:

    Christophe Lollichon is a legend! He always celebrates like crazy!

  9. jeffsmithlondon63 says:

    Hey nikolinoooo888 what camera did you use to film this, and where did you stand to take the footage? IT IS REMARKABLY SIMILAR TO MINE, INFACT YOU MUST HAVE BEEN STOOD RIGHT NEXT TO ME!!! I WAS THERE, I DON’T THINK YOU WAS……THANK YOU FOR HAVING GOOD TASTE AND USING MY MOVIE

  10. aerodrom1998 says:

    1:00 abe ne jadi gomna…

  11. FullSpeedGamer says:

    How in the World can you hate that team, it wouldnt be fair if people like lampard cech and drogba never had won the cl

  12. withapacketofsweets says:

    lets all cheer the worst team to have ever won the champions league…..wooo hooo,and maybe the racist captain could kiss the Chelshit badge because i don’t think he’s ever done that before,
    at least FFP will stop this puddle of arse water buying any more trophies.

  13. dylanzzz1001 says:

    well, its their time

  14. SirKnightStalker says:

    bertrand is shit,….

  15. mdchay says:

    Can someone please tell Bosingwa that he is not a good player, and that he needs to quit trying to be the center of attention!! Mata, Drogba, Cech, A. Cole deserve to be in the front.

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