8 thoughts
  1. kaylakitkat21 says:


  2. soccerpro7100 says:

    I am the BEST

  3. deeznuts1ify says:

    ya this kid is pretty good but it doesnt matter outside of a game its what in the inside trust me im the star of my team i would know i play beach fc for u14

  4. Hunter Borland says:

    I just posted a recent video of him scoring a few goals. He has a game this weekend and will try to get some more video of him.

  5. MoR3f1r3z says:


  6. luisbayer says:

    can you s film him in a real game, im interested, ty

  7. GlobeKick says:

    Great Skills! :D you should check out Globekick(dot)com. we are a social network for aspiring footballers like you!

  8. AO3lecricman says:

    Nice Man !!

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