24 thoughts
  1. sae54909fdsjjlkj says:

    ▼▼どなたかに見て頂ける事を祈っております。ここに書くのもどうかと思いましたが、あまり時間が残されていないのでお許し下さい…。宝クジの当選金200000000円の使い道をどうしたらいいのかと悩んでいます。寄付はしましたし、既に数名の方にも100万単位でお譲りさせて頂いております。現在残っている残金は全てお譲り可能です。受け取りたい方はご連絡下さい。YOUTUBEですと規約違反となり連絡が途絶えてしまいます。そこで制限が無いブログサイトを見付けましたので受け取りたい方はそちらからご連絡下さい。本日お譲りする事もできるので気軽に仰って下さい。ブログ→ http://785.jp /

  2. sa0ya0ka0999599 says:

    ◆◇◆ 生活が苦しい方、訳がありお金に困っている方など…見て頂ければ幸いです。今現在、私には「100,000,000円」以上の資産が御座います。ですが私は癌で余命宣告を受けております。子供や親族も一切おりません…この「100,000,000円」を受け取りたいという方がいましたら、出来る限りお早めにご連絡を頂きたいと思います。大金が不安な方は少額でも構いません。youtubeですとルール違反となり連絡が途絶えてしまうので、こちらのブログサイトよりご連絡下さい。制限などありませんのでスムーズにお話しが進められると思います→ http://785.jp /

  3. MrLrqliu says:

    I miss them so much, too.

  4. Airlessarab says:

    no its just thats a really close up high detailed camera. Kind of like those creepy close ups on spongebob lol

  5. sportyculvercity says:

    man torres, if spain whr really smart they could possibly play “her” for spain womens national team hahahahaa

  6. josefakororua26 says:

    torres can you fuck off for a abit, without u drogba would still be with us

  7. andrej2325 says:


  8. kimonnadia1 says:

    I miss Zhirkov so much.. 🙁

  9. tderias says:

    well hindsight is a valuable thing isn’t it.

  10. DatOneGuyJacobA says:

    u were saying

  11. Shaafi93 says:

    1:23 You’re ffucking right Coole!

  12. YoungKoolness17 says:

    Do footballers put on make up before playing or what? i never thought torres skin was that scarred

  13. camtheman3x6 says:

    Ive been lucky to win the european cup and the world cup, champions league was a dream, and we have a chance to play a final now, so we cannot… we canno me? lol

  14. eRtZeWAD says:

    Return Ballack in the Chelsea!!! :)

  15. danceymodel says:

    THAT IS SOO TRUE… but with out our main man ‘DROGBA’ i cant see torres scoring against Atletico Madrid.

  16. bloom0888 says:

    did you..what did he say, i just understood lucky. i love torres and i wanna know what he said plz plz plz

  17. AleSPFC1935 says:

    Cech, Ramires, Ivanovic, Lampard and Drogba five players for the title of UCL

  18. HeadshotComing says:

    Oh yes it was! Thank you very much,happy birthday to you also. 🙂

  19. saiarfi says:

    Community Shield VS Man City, UEFA Super Cup VS Atlético Madrid, and Then FIFA Club World Cup, Winning all of those trophies!!! that would be perfect achievement, GO CHELSEA!!!

  20. camtheman3x6 says:

    wow i actually understood torres

  21. PerpetuallyHighPoet says:

    not anymore 🙂

  22. OddFuture1017BSM says:


  23. 93Bigbrown says:

    THIS is truly amazing man!
    btw Odd Future is awesome.

  24. OddFuture1017BSM says:

    yes mate, and next year we will come back even stronger and better than this year!

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